
This 5-Year Innovation Program concluded on February 26th., 2024
Connecting people to care

Transforming emotional wellness across Riverside County & beyond with technology

Connecting people to care

We're transforming emotional wellness in a world that is beginning to recognize the importance of mind and body health

Innovation in action showcasing the projects that started with the Help@Hand program. Most of these initiatives were adopted as regular services in the RUHS-Behavioral Health system of care. 


We’re bringing cultural competency to the forefront


We’re collaborating with other counties to expand innovation


We’re testing out new digital solutions to help people feel better

Improve Lives​

We’re creating outreach & engagement opportunities

We’re helping people feel better by creating technology with a human touch

By imagining and innovating new technology to connect people to care.
Whenever, wherever.

Detect and acknowledge mental health sooner
Reduce stigma around mental wellness by promoting mental wellness ​
Increase access to the appropriate level of support and care
Increase purpose, belonging and social connectedness of individuals served​
Analyze and collect data to improve mental health needs assessment and service delivery
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Our programs are answering a need in Riverside County and beyond through innovative technology

Feeling better is now as easy as connecting with a peer operator

Through programs like Take my Hand. We’re making connecting to a caring listener as easy as 1, 2….chat!

A4i Pilot

We’re helping people connect and stay connected to care by piloting the innovative wellness app–App for Independence.

Connecting to care with a touch

We’re bringing emotional wellness support to everyone with a myriad of kiosks that can be used to access your innovative programs.

Creating awareness and reaching out to our community county-wide

Through traditional outdoor advertising, digital and social media marketing we’re increasing awareness and interaction with our programs.

Spreading awareness about mental wellness

With informative infographics and our wellness catalog we’re making information accessible–and beautiful.

Man Therapy

The Man Therapy marketing campaign is an evidence based approach to help reduce suicide and depression among working-age men.

La Clave

We partnered with La CLAve–who’s mission is to inform and motivate the Latinx community to seek early treatment for serious mental illness.

Their goal is to help individuals and their families recognize the symptoms of serious mental illness and obtain treatment as quickly as possible.

Recovery Record

Partnering with Recovery Record to Help Individuals in Riverside to Overcome Eating Disorders. Mobile-app treatment engagement and data- informed care delivery

Whole Person Health Score

Helping individuals take interest in improving their overall health by looking at six areas of health that is accessible and easy to understand while capturing non-medical dimensions of health in an easily interpretable and actionable manner.

Painted Brain

Improve Outcomes for High Risk Populations. FSP, TAY, Re-Entry, Mid-County & Desert Regions, Adults over the age of 65.

Helping people stay safe in the Digital World

Online digital literacy videos

With brief, basic skills video tutorials we’re empowering California communities to make informed decisions about how they engage with technology.

ASL digital literacy videos

Empowering California ASL communities to make informed decisions about how they engage with technology.

Help@Hand is bringing new technology with a human touch to contribute to the mental wellness of Riverside County and beyond